Merry Holidays
December 19 2008
December 19 2008
This year�s Holiday window I wanted to keep light, everyone seems so grumpy and stressed out lately- and why not, there is a lot to worry about- but it is the Holidays which should also be a time of warmth and celebration. So I wanted to create a window with some happy Christmas creatures- kind of inspired by Richard Scary, I loved those books as a kid.

A lot of people asked to have Bigfoot back from last year�s Holiday window,

so I decided this year one side of the windows could be a snowy forest bringing back Bigfoot while the other side should represent something warm. So I built a �magical holiday cabin� with Christmas creatures making some presents. The first step was to create a fireplace, which I did with an old TV and some old masonite that I painted some bricks on.

Here is the back view- Devin's old TV and some of the broken down fence from my back yard.

Here is the fireplace complete with the "Fireplace" DVD playing

Painting some Christmas buddies in my room.

After installing the cabin with Planks form our broken down fence.

Painting some "wooden cabin walls" on our window.

The left window finished

Bigfoot is back.

Just want to take this chance to wish you all a HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR! Thank you for all your help and support, we could not do it without you. Petro, and the staff at Aqua Surf Shop.

A lot of people asked to have Bigfoot back from last year�s Holiday window,

so I decided this year one side of the windows could be a snowy forest bringing back Bigfoot while the other side should represent something warm. So I built a �magical holiday cabin� with Christmas creatures making some presents. The first step was to create a fireplace, which I did with an old TV and some old masonite that I painted some bricks on.

Here is the back view- Devin's old TV and some of the broken down fence from my back yard.

Here is the fireplace complete with the "Fireplace" DVD playing

Painting some Christmas buddies in my room.

After installing the cabin with Planks form our broken down fence.

Painting some "wooden cabin walls" on our window.

The left window finished

Bigfoot is back.

Just want to take this chance to wish you all a HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR! Thank you for all your help and support, we could not do it without you. Petro, and the staff at Aqua Surf Shop.
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